Understanding The Connection Between Spirituality and Health

Understanding the connection between spirituality and health is essential for our overall well-being. If we wish to remain healthy we should pay attention to this aspect of our existence.

In fact spirituality is an integral part of both life and healing.

Hi, my name is Massimo and I'd like to welcome you to my site. I have been studying and practicing spiritual healing for 19 years. I have learned how deep of an impact spirituality can have, how it actually changes lives for the better, and I would love to help you to live your life from a spiritual perspective.

I am not the only one who believes in the power of spirituality.

Slowly, over the past four decades, many conventional medical professionals are changing their approach. While they may remain skeptical about various alternative forms of medicine, they acknowledge the benefits of meditation and even energy healing in certain cases.

Scientific research on the interrelationship also continues to grow. As more light is shed on the subject, perhaps the connectivity existing between spirituality and health will become clearer. In order to situate the role of spirituality in maintaining good health, scientists need to define carefully the terms.

But... What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is a much talked about but rarely agreed upon topic. For many, it may mean a conventional Christian, Muslim or Judaic approach. In this case, we may equate spirituality with faith. This is a more traditional approach.

Modern definitions or descriptions of spirituality define the topic in a different manner. A secular approach, without reliance on deities, lets us reach spirituality and health through actions. Through compassion, forgiveness, kindness, love and an overall concern for all life forms, we become a spiritual being.

To accomplish this goal requires “mindfulness.” This, a very Buddhist concept, combining philosophy and religion. It's an example of our mind, body and spirit working together in harmony. In achieving this unity, we ensure our body and spirit work as one. When this works properly, or out of synch, it can influence on our health.

How does Spirituality Affect Our Health?

How does spirituality affect our health? No one is completely sure about the method. 

Current and past research indicates that having a belief in a supreme deity or drawing comfort and strength from prayer, meditation or positive actions can increase our sense of well-being. We may feel an increase in energy and experience a more positive outlook on our life in general. This can help elevate moods, reducing depression and allowing various immune response systems to work with greater ease and improved efficiency.

We will also find ourselves better able to cope with such things as stress – a major factor in many illnesses.

How Can We Improve Our Spiritual Health?

If we wish to improve our spiritual health, it is important to look at how we live. We need to change certain aspects of our lives and this involves a number of steps that I explain in-depth on this website.

Final Thoughts on Spiritual Healing

While no one knows exactly how spirituality and health are interrelated, there is a strong connection between the two. As Doctor Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, writes in her book Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories That Heal:

“Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When we help, we see life as weak. When we fix, we see life as broken. When we serve, we see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul.”

I invite you to browse this website and learn more about spiritual healing and my services. And of course, don't hesitate to contact me if you like to know more.


About Me | Massimo Conte
About Me page for Massimo Conte's Spiritual Healing for You website. Read my story and how I became a healer.
As a Spiritual Healer, It Is My Goal To Make You Feel Better
I'm a spiritual healer offering online personal consultations for those searching a greater sense of well-being. Book me here.
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Spiritual Healing for YouBLOG
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What clients say

I went to Massimo for a healing session in which I experienced calmness and opening of my heart.
All the sadness I had as a child and images from my childhood went by and were gone. An hour treatment went by like ten minutes. In other times I experienced very deep meditations, quietness, yet very alert and awake. Thanks Massimo for helping me get in touch with the healing force within me.

- Liat, Netanya, Israel


Dear Massimo, thanks so much for your healing sessions. So many things changed and improved since the beginning of your treatments. You are very gifted and all you are doing arises from the depth of your heart and the depth of the knowledge you channel. I highly recommend you as a healer.

- Zvi, Tel Aviv, Israel


Good luck: with this single word I can express what I feel to have met Massimo.
I have been knowing him for 10 years and working with him I have done a path to awareness.
He is a good teacher, sincere, honest, which guides you to the truth and peace that our heart desires and can achieve.
- Tiziana, Arezzo, Italy


For me, healing means integrity and the consistency of living my daily life, relationships and job in the way of my true "I".
Massimo has the rare ability to lead people, and therefore me, to
transform obstacles that stand between you and what you want to realize in available energy. He does so with great respect, patience and lack of judgment.
Massimo, thanks for all that I get from you.

- Maria, Udine, Italy

When Massimo gave me healing sessions online, I experienced him as a sensitive and dedicated man who has the gift to sense into deeper layers of the soul and affect them in a gentle and non intruding way. His careful way of approaching the pain in my eyes and the feedback he gave me from his sensitive perceptions helped me to gain trust and confidence in my healing process.

- Norbert, Vienna, Austria